Community Involvement

Community Involvement

If you’re a community member, alumni, or any other friend of the department, we would love to get you involved with program, activities, and students.


English majors bring to excellent communication and research skills to the job.  If you have a business or organization that might be able to host one of our English majors as an intern, please contact the Dan Punday


We are eager to stay connected with our alumni.  Please follow the department on Facebook or Twitter to keep up with events and activities, and keep your contact information up to date with the department so that we can mail you out our annual newsletter. 

We would also love to hear from you about where your English studies have taken you.  If you drop us an email about your current position or accomplishment, we’ll be glad to get the world out to your fellow alumni.  We are also eager for alumni that would be willing to share their stories and advice with our current students—either in a face-to-face meeting, via Skype, or through some other form of mentoring.

Community Groups

The English department is at the heart of the humanities at Mississippi State University, and a natural home to literary life in the area.  If you are a member of a community group that might be interested in building relations with our department or students, please email Dan Punday.